Erotic Massage

Sexy Las Vegas Massage

Erotic massage explained

The human body has a tremendous capacity to experience pleasure through its five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste and, above all, touch. Heightening these senses to the point of exquisite joy is a playful art which brings a new and deeper level of intimacy between two people in a loving relationship.

Erotic massage is a means through which two people in an intimate relationship touch and stimulate each other, communicate love and tenderness too. Touch and massage, therefore, are the perfect tools for sexual foreplay.

It is through the stimulation and stroking of the skin that sexually sensitive nerve receptors are set alight. Sigmund Freud described the human body as being wholly erotogenic, and it is. Indeed, it is through the skin that the tactile messages of love, tenderness, and desire are received. At this time, the emotions and the soul are nourished.